Swedish Association for Corporate Treasurers

Association Membership

The Swedish Association of Corporate Treasurers (SACT) is an organization active in finance and corporate treasury issues. The SACT has 77 members as of January 2018.

Membership Criteria

Companies meeting requirements for membership in the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. The Association shall primarily include mid-size and larger companies with a clear connection to Swedish industry and with an operative finance or treasury function.

Other Activities

A trip is arranged for the members every second year.

Annual Conference

Two seminaries are held each year, one in the spring and one in the autumn. Speakers include bank representatives, regulators and other finance professionals.

Date of association formation: 1988
Date association joined EACT: 2006

Get in touch

Ulf Rapp

Regnbågsgatan 1 SE 405 08 Göteborg Sweden