Slovenian Corporate Treasurers Association

The Slovenian Corporate Treasurers Association (SCTA) was established with the objective to stimulate the continuing development of treasury and finance professionals and offer them first-class opportunities to share the professional experience, knowledge and information with leading practitioners from companies of all sizes, including the major slovenian corporations. The association is facilitating the promotion of treasury and finance profession primarily throught various training sessions, conferences and networking events.

Association Membership:

146 members (as of November 2017) from 112 companies.

Membership Criteria:

1. University degree of economic sciences or related fields and at least three years relevant experience in corporate finance (or University degree of other sciences and at least five years corporate finance experience).
2. Acceptance of the Association's statute and other documents, acts accordingly.

Education and Training:

There are 5-7 events annually, plus a two-day annual conference. Topcs covered span all areas of treasury, corporate finance and accouting.

Other Activities:

Members join international meetings of other NTAs.


Slovenian Corporate Treasurers Asscociation is governed by the Supervisory Committee SC (President of the SC is Mr. David Skornšek) in a capacity of a supervisory body, and the Managing Committee (MC), executing the programme of the SCTA. President of the MC is Mr. Tadej Majhen.

Annual Conference:

Traditional two-day conference held in September.


Date of association formation: 17.9.2003
Date association joined EACT: 2006

Get in touch

Dr. Ales Berk Skok

Parmova 53,
1000 Ljubljana